General Call for Proposals
Every year a General Call for Proposals is published, presenting opportunities for organisations and individuals active in the fields of education, training, youth and sport. In the Call you can find the objectives of the programme, an overview of the actions it is divided in, eligibility of potential actors, budget and duration of projects, and submission deadlines for each action. You can consult the latest Call for Proposals in the Calls section. In addition, some Specific Calls for Proposals are published at centralised level, through the website of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) or through the website of your National Agency (List of Agencies).
KA1: Mobility projects in the field of education and training
- School education staff
- VET learners and staff
- Higher education students and staff
- Mobility projects for higher education students and staff with Partner Countries
- Adult education staff
- Mobility projects in the field of youth
- Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (by EACEA)
KA2: Strategic partnerships in the field of education and training
- Strategic partnerships in Higher Education
- Strategic partnerships in Vocational Education and Training
- Strategic partnerships in School Education
- Strategic partnerships in Adult Education
- Strategic partnerships in the field of youth
- European Universities (by EACEA)
- Knowledge Alliancess (by EACEA)
- Sector Skills Alliances (by EACEA)
- Capacity building in the field of higher education (by EACEA)
- Capacity building in the field of youth (by EACEA)
KA3: Support for policy reform
- European Policy Experimentation (by EACEA)
- Social inclusion in the field of education and training (by EACEA)
- Centres of Vocational Excellence (by EACEA)
- European Youth Together (by EACEA)
- Dialogue: Meetings between young people and decision-makers in the field of youth
- Civil society cooperation in the field of youth (Annual Call) (by EACEA)
Eligible for funding
Individuals are not eligible for Erasmus+ Funding. If you are an individual and interested in one of our courses, then you should inform your organisation about the course so that your organisation can apply for Erasmus+ Funding on your behalf.
If your are an organisation, then apply for an Erasmus+ Funding on behalf of your employees.
Erasmus+ has opportunities for people of all ages, helping them develop, and share knowledge and experience, at institutions and organisations in different countries. Check out what opportunities there are for individuals like students, staff, trainees, teachers, young people and youth workers, and more.
Erasmus+ has opportunities for a wide range of organisations, including universities, schools, education and training providers, think-tanks, research organisations, and private businesses. Find out more about the different opportunities available for organisations.
Jean Monnet
- Jean Monnet Modules, Chairs and Centres of Excellence (by EACEA)
- Policy debate with academic world (by EACEA)
- Jean Monnet Support to Associations (by EACEA)
- Small collaborative partnerships (by EACEA)
- Collaborative partnerships (by EACEA)
- Not-for-profit European sport events (by EACEA)
How to get an Erasmus+ Funding: tips
Step 1: Select one of our courses available! Our courses can be found here but do contact us if you cannot find a suitable course for you. We might me able to create customised courses for your organisation (minimum requirements apply). Our list of courses are also available in the European School Education Platform (the online platform of the European Commission for school education).
Step 2: Register your interest in one of our courses, by requesting and returning an application form to [email protected]. Please specify the date of the chosen course. Once we receive your application form we will reserve a place until your funding has been confirmed. Confirmation of your place needs to be made in writing as soon as the results from your National Agency are out.
Step 3: If you are unfamiliar with the Erasmus+ Funding procedures, it is advisable to read the Erasmus+ programme guide making a note of the award criteria at the end of each Mobility project.
Step 4: If applying for the first time then your organisation should register in the European Commission’s Participant Portal (see a, b, c below) in order to obtain a Personal Identification Code or PIC number essential for the application process as one of the first steps in obtaining an Erasmus+ grant.
a) Get a login and password for secure access to URF: register in the European Commission Authentication Service (ECAS). A user manual explaining all necessary steps is available here.
b) Then, access the Participant Portal and register the organisation. The detailed process is available here.
c) Your organisation will be required to submit 2 forms: Legal Entity Form and Financial Identification Form.
Once the registration in the Participant Portal is completed, the organisation/group will obtain a nine-digit PIC number. The PIC is a unique identifier which enables the organisation to take advantage of some features of the electronic application forms and will serve as a reference for the National or Executive Agency in any further correspondence with the applicant/beneficiary.
Step 5: Check the Financial Conditions and the Compliance with the Programme criteria. Participating organisations must verify that the project respects the following criteria: eligibility, exclusion, selection and award. For more information please read the Erasmus+ Programme Guide (EN).
Step 6: Fill in and submit the appropriate project application form! In case you’re not sure which application form is right for you to get your Erasmus+ grant, ask your national agency and they will help you choose. Follow your national agency’s guidelines to answer all the questions in the form.
Step 7: For more information about application assessment please check: Part C – Information for Applicants in the Programme Guide. When results on your Erasmus+ grant come in, please inform us if you are attending the course. We will then forward:
a letter of acceptance, details about accommodation, travel, living expenses, course and activities timetable, preparation material.
Payment of course fees need to be made before the commencement of the course.
Other application resources
See more documents for applicants, including model application forms and grant agreements.